Flux Eau-atmosphère d'131I et de composés alkyl-iodides dans l'estuaire de la Seine (France)

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Titre de la revue : Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Volume : 99 N° : 7 Pagination : 1102-1110 Date de publication : 01/07/2008

Type de document > *Article de revue
Mots clés publication scientifique > composés iodés , estuaire de la Seine , flux eau-atmosphère , iode 131
Unité de recherche > IRSN/DEI/SECRE/LRC
Auteurs > AMOUROUX David , CONNAN Olivier , HEBERT Didier , MARO Denis , ROZET Marianne , SOLIER Luc , TESSIER Emmanuel , VOISEUX Claire

This study presents an original work on measurements of stable and radioactive iodinated species in the Seine estuary (France), with estimates fluxes of volatile gaseous species from water to the atmosphere. A broad spectrum of iodinated compounds was identified in the water and air in particular 131I in water, what is original. Concentrations and behaviour of iodinated elements in the Seine estuary seem similar to what has been observed in other European estuaries, although the data set does not take into account any seasonal variations. MeI (Methyl Iodide) and Total Volatile Iodine (TVI) fluxes from water to air vary between 392 and 13949 pmol.m-2.d-1 and between 1279 and 16484 pmol.m-2.d-1 respectively. Water to air flux of TVI for the Seine river was estimated in the range 4-46 kg y-1 with our data. Measurements of 131Iodine clearly indicate trace of 131I with activities in water varying between 0.4 and 11.9 Bq.m-3 . It has also been possible for the first time to quantify fluxes of 131I from Seine estuary water to the atmosphere, which are in the range 2.4 105-1.3 107 Bq.y-1 for this study, close to an annual discharge of 131I by a nuclear reactor

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