The TONUS CFD code for hydrogen risk analysis: physical models, numerical schemes and validation matrix

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Titre de la revue : Nuclear Engineering and Design Volume : 238 N° : 3 Pagination : 551-565 Date de publication : 01/03/2008

Type de document > *Article de revue
Mots clés publication scientifique > accident grave , risque hydrogène
Unité de recherche > IRSN/DSR/SAGR/BPhAG
Auteurs > BECCANTINI Alberto , BENTAIB Ahmed , BLEYER Alexandre , CAROLI Cataldo , DABBENE Frédéric , KUDRIAKOV Sergey , MAGNAUD J. P. , MALET Jeanne , PAILLERE Henri , PORCHERON Emmanuel , STUDER Etienne

The TONUS code for hydrogen risk analysis is presented. Governing equations, numerical shemes as well as validation matrix are presented. Example of application is given

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