Post-doctoral position for the development of Machine Learning techniques for neutron spectrometry

  • La recherche

  • Recherche


Start in : June 2021

Workplace : Fontenay-aux-Roses, France


IRSN defines and conducts research programs aimed at maintaining and developing the skills necessary for expert assessments in its specializations. It either carries out the programs itself or, in a European or international context, may entrust them to other French or foreign research institutes.
Within the Institut, the role of the Neutronics Laboratory is to:
  • develop, validate and qualify codes, calculation templates and associated tools required to assess the risks of criticality present in nuclear facilities and the modes of transport and to ensure the coordination of their maintenance;
  • design and monitor experimental programs needed to improve the qualification of the calculation templates used at the IRSN to assess the risk of criticality;
  • carry out applied studies concerning the assessment and prevention of criticality risks.
Position and missions

This post-doctoral position is only open for young scientists (less than 3 years after the PhD). The post-doctoral position is financed within the frame of an awarded Exploratory Research Project of IRSN: MASH (MAchine learning for Spectrometry with Hybrid methods) - unfolding of the neutron incident spectrum in the detector from measured data. The aim of this project is to contribute to the development of a new approach to reconstruct the incident neutron spectrum from neutron detector output with methods based on Machine Learning.


We are seeking to appoint a PhD qualified in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques, with fluency in physics, or a PhD qualified in interaction of Radiation with Matter, with fluency in machine learning techniques. Some experience with machine learning techniques, or similar, and scripting tools for pre- and post-processing of the data is required. Some knowledge in interaction of Radiation with Matter is required, and more particularly in neutron transport physics is desired.   

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Involved IRSN laboratory
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​Interested candidates can send: a detailed curriculum vitae; a motivation letter related to the position's profile; electronic copies of scientific publications; and the names of two potential references to the following contact person:

Mariya Brovchenko